You manage your organization's ESG footprint, and apply non-financial reporting techniques to assure timely and accurate sharing of material information with public markets.
We help you know what the public knows about your ESG performance from public records, and benchmark your ESG performance against peer organizations.
Optimizing your Public ESG Footprint
You operate an infrastructure-rich business, with billions of dollars of assets, thousands of employees, and tens of thousands of customers. As a publicly traded company, your ESG performance of great interest to institutional investors. As a highly visible operator with a substantial environmental footprint, you are also in the public eye.
The challenge in demonstrating your ESG performance is substantial. You face:
We empower you with business intelligence to benchmark your ESG data against internally tracked, externally reported, and peer company results.
ESG Footprint: What Information Matters
Years in the making, ESG is finding its pace. International bodies and states are increasingly advocating for more decisive action in ESG. As a result, companies frequently consider changing environmental and social responsibility factors and incorporating them into their business strategies. Understanding what makes business successful has changed, and so must the way business is done. Your business is deeply intertwined with ESG concerns. We provide dashboards containing current data, configured to your business, so you have fast accurate answers and benchmark against industry peers.
Financial Data: Data sourced from 1000s of the latest 10-K reports from the publicly traded organizations
Reported Climate Emissions: Detailed emissions data, down to the facility and equipment level, for 100,000s of sources.
Shareholder Pressures: Thousands of ESG-related shareholder's resolutions.
Environmental Permit Compliance: Air, water, wastewater, waste, chemical inventory, and other permitting programs.
Legacy Liabilities: Known liabilities related to coal ash impoundments, superfund liabilities, and other state and federal priority lists.
Safety Incidents: OSHA injury and incident data.
Green Technology Adoption: Committments made, and projects executed, to mitigate climate impacts and trend towards Net 0 emission goals.
Water Discharge: Permitted discharge of water and compliance to regulatory limits.
Leadership and Diversity: Board and staff composition of benchmarked organizations.
We curate data, from 100s of sources, so that your team doesn't need to.
Data is carefully sourced, documented, and unified within configurable dashboards. Available data includes, but is not limited to:
With our solution, you access live navigable data rather than static reports.
If you are an industrial organization, Investors and NGOs already know a lot about you from the public record. Knowing what the world knows about you, in one consolidated set of dashboards, is critical to avoid being surprised.
As a service provider to U.S. industrial organizations, you want to help your customer benchmark against the most-appropriate peers. This benchmarking needs to happen at a detailed level, considering size, geography, and specific types of operations.
Using our curated ESG data eliminates unwelcome surprises, and 1000s of hours of manual data curation work.
Contact us for a mutual discovery of BI needs and solutions. We help you run the race just a bit faster, and sometimes, that is all you need.