You work with clients to plan, design, develop, and build microgrid projects, which are becoming iincreasingly important for critical U.S. facilities to have resilient and sustainable power supplies.
We help you use data to know when projects are coming and to optimize your customer relationships, allowing you to become involved as early as possible in the project realization process.
Microgrid owners and beneficiaries are taking advantage of the decentralization of power generation, the addition of renewable resources, and the sharing of infrastructure amoung critical operations.
Microgrid users are seeking:
Finding these opportunities can be challenging. Microgrid opportunities:
U.S. Microgrids: What Information Matters
Market Size: Business Intelligence data set to support microgrid market sizing
Project Setting: Business Intelligence data set to support microgrid market sizing
Regulation: Track microgrid-related regulatory developments at the state government and public utility commission level
Market Behavior: Overlay anticipated power demand changes
Partnerships: Knowing the influencers matters, including city leaders and their strategic partners for service delivery. Our data can help prime contractors find the best subs, and visa-versa.
We curate data, from 100s of sources, so that your team doesn't need to.
Data includes:
Our customers want to avoid the pain of being surprised.
Opportunities around the microgrid industry don't happen overnight. There are months or years of capital planning involved. If you plan ahead, you can anticipate and engage future opportunities, long ahead of receiving that dreaded cold RFP.
Our customers don't hate RFPs, they hate cold RFPs. The ones that they could have influenced, where the owner/operator did not take the best strategic approach to the market.
The only way to avoid the pain of a surprise RFP, or even worse, being left out of consideration is to have good business intelligence on the market.
Contact us for a mutual discovery of BI needs and solutions. We help you run the race just a bit faster, and sometimes, that is all you need.