The US Drinking Water Market is extensive, including 10,000s of facilities and organizations serving a population of more than 300 Million people. The Water Mart™ contains valuable information about these community water systems, with insights related to locations, operations, financials, projects, contacts, dates and people.
Water Mart data includes information from the EPA U.S. Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS), the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR), the US EPA Facility Registry Service (FRS), and many other state and local data sources. Curated data includes Capital Plans (see A Business Developer’s Guide to Capital Improvement Plans), facts of interest sourced from Meeting Minutes, and KPIs of value from Comprehensive Annual Reports and many other data types.
The data, documents, and visualizations helps engineering and consulting firms identify projects ahead of an RFP. Construction firms to identify their ideal consulting firm partners, and utilities to benchmark against industry peers.
The Water Mart covers the entire U.S. market, with deeper data on larger organizations nationwide. 10,000s of capital projects are identified, valued at more than US $300 Billion. Meeting minutes are captured for 100s of public water agency boards, provided in text searchable formats. Water Mart users benefit from 10,000s of hours of research, allowing marketers and salespeople to quickly and easily access the data in pre-configured dashboards.